Images in Nature
Here is where my work started with the enjoyment of the natural beauty of the world. The light playing with the colours and textures found in nature different at every moment of the day. I will often return to a place I know to get the right combination of these elements to satisfy my aesthetics and achieve the most satisfying light.

On Holiday in Cornwall I learned the local rock was Serpentine and only found in this area of the UK. The light was stunning and the tide was low revealing all the shiny wet rocks with their red veins

At Hunstanton beach in Norfolk the tide was low revealing fascinating paraphenalia on the muddy flats. This seaweed struck me as very unusual in the way it had been stranded

The intensity of this wet red Serpentine and the light play on the water at Kynance Cove in Cornwall had me transfixed

On a Holiday in Malta I was wandering on a deserted beach when I noticed that a rock edge had appeared and the sea was gently streaming out from beneath it

During a particularly cold winter in Sudbury the river was frozen over in beautiful patterns and then a light dusting of snow appeared

A rockpool in Kynance Cove, Cornwall revealed a delightful selection of seaweeds with beautiful shadows and trapped bubbles in the wonderful light

Reflections in the water from one of the local fishing boats in Skiathos, Greece gently floating on the waters ripples

Monumental rocks protude up from the beach to produce Bedruthen Steps in North Cornwall but nearer to the ground delicate pools of water carve out the sand around their base

Broad leafed seaweed gently swaying in the shallow waters of a pool revealed at low tide in Kynance Cove, Cornwall

A rockpool full of pink goo against stark black rock with barnacles and seaweeds I've never seen before capturing air bubbles

Taking photos of fast flowing water produces lovely surprises with the light playing on the surface

Frozen puddles on a cold Christmas with leaves desperately trying to peel themselves free from the lovely pattern of ice

Wet sand tying itself in knots as the tide goes out in North Norfolk. All my many visits and I've yet to see a finer example on these vast beaches

As the meadows in Sudbury do their job of flooding, delights such as this can be seen, tufts of grass surrounded by water reflecting the sky

The vast beaches of North Norfolk are home to the best array of seaside compositions such as this with the light adding another element

The wonderful painterly effect of just the reflection gently rippling with the clouds gently overlapping caught my eye as you try to work out what you’re looking at on the meadows here in Sudbury

The Isle Of Wight is surrounded by beautifully varied beaches and on this one I found seaweed gently embedded in the sand as the tide receded

Every time one visits this weir it is different, from a gushing mess of water to completely dry. On this I was taken by the straight lines of the calm still waters above the weir in contrast to the intense movement below.